2-5-23 BOD Meeting Minutes

Pike Trails Ranches Improvement Association

Executive Board Meeting Minutes

February 5, 2023 – 1:00 PM

  1. Board Meeting called to order by Terrence Johnson, President PTRIA
  2. Pres. Terrence made the motion to use a voice recorder to record the minutes since the Recording Secretary, Cindy Chew was out of town and had authorized Terrence to use it and transcribe to paper at a later date. The Motion was 2nd ed by George Purnell, motion carried unanimously.
  3. Attendance was taken: President – Terrence Johnson – Present

                                          1st Vice President – Mike Bandera – Present

                                          2nd Vice President – George Purnell – Present

                                          Treasure – Jon Klima – Present

                                          Recording Secretary – Cindy Chew – Out of Town (recorder used)

  • Minutes of the last Board Meeting were read and discussion was held on road gravel, road widening, culvert repair/installation and the Grader Brake repairs. It was noted that Scott had been busy fixing his backhoe after rolling it and this added to the ground becoming too frozen to work we had a temporary slowdown of work effort. There were no other discussions on those minutes and the motion to accept those minutes was made by Terrence and was 2nd ed by George, Motion carried unanimously.
  • Financial report was given by Jon and explained that we are well within expenditures even though we have not received all of the dues as of yet. It was also noted that several line items would not be spent until Spring and things began to warm up. Terrence noted that he would get in touch with Nadine about the Father’s Day event that she did for us last year to see if that was going to be in the works and was also noted that the event would be in next year’s budget. CD renewal and checking issues were defined and new line item was added to budget for interest entry from CD rollover to checking account. Motion to accept Financial Report made by Mike and was 2nd ed by George. Motion passes unanimously.
  • Old Business Discussion was a reiteration of drainage/road work and the delay due to Scott’s rollover. Discussed the cutting of the phone line and widening of Eagle and Terrence has not heard anything from phone company… Yet! Motion to accept Old Business discussion made by Terrence and was 2nd ed by George. Motion carries unanimously.
  • New Business Discussion 1st issue Motion to reassign authorizing signatures on our CD and our Checking account to Jon Klima – Treasure and Terrence Johnson – President. This requires removal of Bernie Mann from the CD and the removal of Jay Mulholland from the Checking Account and replacing those with Terrence Johnson. Motion made by Terrence and was 2nd ed by Mike. Motion carries unanimously. More discussion on and information gathering about the Father’s Day event was assigned to Terrence. He’s to get with Nadine and get a budget idea for the event. Again, this will be budgeted into next year’s budget. Snow fence supplies and their location was discussed. We seem to have enough to patch/repair and see no need for further action. The efforts to maintain proper water flow and depth of the ponds was discussed and proceeding with the current idea and efforts was agreeable with the board and no official action is required by the board at this time. It was again pointed out that keeping our ponds in good enough shape for the Fire Protection efforts to draft or pump water from these ponds is not only in our own best interests in the event of a fire but also will keep the water board from making us let them go. Discussion about the pond at the Paris Creek Ranch gate was held and nobody seems to think there’s any fish in it but will have to consider maintenance efforts in the future to use it. The Motion to accept and conclude New Business was made by Mike and was 2nd ed by Terrence.
  • No further business or concerns were brought up and as such a move to adjourn was called for and a motion to adjourn was made by Jon and was 2nd ed by George………… We’re Adjourned

(1:45 PM)