Welcome to The Pike Trails Ranches Improvement Association (PTRIA) web site. PTRIA is a non-profit organization whose membership consists of property owners in Pike Trails Ranches. Its purpose is to maintain “common elements” owned by PTRIA for benefit of the land owners in Pike Trails Ranches. These common elements consist of 17 miles of roads and 7 tracts of land for use by PTRIA members and their guests. For more details on the scope and responsibilities of PTRIA please click here to read the Bylaws.
Saturday, August 31st, 2024 @ 11am
Fire House #3
2406 Co Rd 88, Guffey, CO 80820
Chicken provided for lunch after meeting
Please bring a covered dish with you too!
Want to know about weather in Pike Trails Ranches? Click here for current and past weather information.
PTRIA is responsible for maintaining 17 miles of roads in Pike Trails Ranches. Click here to read all about road conditions, road maintenance and anything else related to the roads.
PTRIA owns the land on which several ponds are located and maintained for the benefits of PTRIA members and their guests. Click here to read all about the ponds.
Get Involved
Some PTRIA members go the extra mile and volunteer for various things such as helping out with road maintenance, maintaining snow fences (to keep snow drifts off the roads), maintaining the ponds, etc. However, there are always fewer volunteers than are truly needed. If you can occasionally offer up some time to help out, please click on the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page. We can put your name on a list and contact you when there are volunteering opportunities. You are always free to decline when contacted based on the activity and your availability.
Stay Informed
On the right side of the web site pages you will see recent postings keeping members informed about PTRIA activities.
PTRIA Dues Paid
Have you ever wondered who has paid their PTRIA membership dues? Click here to see a map of Pike Trails lots and see which lots have had their dues paid.
Smart Bear —
Watch this entire 25 second video. It was taken earlier this year (2021) at a Pike Trails property on Cougar Lane. It also shows the need to lock your vehicle doors even though you are at home. And don’t keep any sort of food in your vehicles.