11-7-2021 PTRIA Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes

Jay Mulholland, President
Mike Bandera, Vice President
Terry Johnson, 2nd Vice President
Jon Klima, Treasurer
Cindy Chew, Secretary
George Purnell

Jay Mulholland has told the PTRIA board that he is resigning as President due to needing to move from the area- due to medical issues.

Jay asked the 2 vice Presidents if they would be willing to step in.  Mike Bandera & Terry Johnson. Mike was not able to step in at this time. Terry Johnson has agreed to step in as President. George Parnell was asked to step in as Vice President. George was nominated by Jay, 2nd by Terry.

Grader is down due to brake issues. Also has master cylinder/ brake problem. Jay & Scott have been working on it but do not have tools to fix such large equipment. We are trying to get Dirks Trucking to do the work.  Transportation expenses & labor is $2800 + parts.

Jon talked about finances. We have $4979 in checking account currently. We have sent out a reminder dues letters & hope to get additional dues to add to the checking account, so we can do this grader repair.

We currently only have one person that has been running the grader which is Jay Mulholland. Kevin Wimberly has expressed interest in running the grader.

Paris Creek pays $200 per year to use our Hawk Lane road as it is the only way for them to gain access to their subdivision.

Mike Bandera moved to adjourn the meeting, Terry Johnson 2nd.

Cindy Chew, Secretary

Pike Trails Magic

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