2014 Annual Meeting Minutes

August 23d 2014 — Fire Station 3, Guffey, Colorado

President Bill Harper called the meeting to order at 11:03; Bernie began with introductions of all who attended.

The minutes from the 2013 meeting were read and approved.

Jon passed out the Treasurer’s Report to those in attendance. The total in the two checking accounts as of 8-22-14 was $12,988.08. He went on to explain how the budget was planned and implemented. He also explained all the expenditures including Bill Harper putting up a new board for the mailbox grouping near Elk Ln.

Jon stated that as of the meeting, 74 members had paid their dues. Jon said an additional $700 had been collected and thanked those who had paid above the asked dues. It really does help fill the gap for those who can’t or won’t pay.

Bernie talked about the second mailing in November to members who haven’t paid. He stated that brings in a few more checks for dues.
Jerry Johnson made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report, Carol Wright seconded.

Jon gave a report on the fishponds and reported he had caught a 21” fish. Ann Erickson asked if he had it stuffed. “Where would I stuff it? Asked Jon. After the laughter died down Jon said the fish was in tough shape so he couldn’t release it.  The fish was a welcome addition to the Klima’s lunch.

Jon said the water pump for the upper pond had been tampered with, he wasn’t sure if it was by human or animal. He got the pump re-primed and working again. Doug Mayotte asked if anyone had raked the pondweeds. Jon replied that he would be happy to supply the rakes for any who would like to improve their health. Norma Mayotte said that their grandson had been so pleased to catch a 4” fish at the ponds and was glad that the ponds were being kept in good order. Doug added that he had the pond on his property dredged to a depth of 12 feet. The water could be used by the fire department in case of fire.

Bill talked about the continuing problem of wandering cattle and the efforts being made to keep the critters on BLM land. Several people have worked on keeping the cattle grate cleaned of rocks and dirt but somehow the cows seemed to find a way out. Bill had spoken with the owner of the cattle, Patrick, who has been very responsive in keeping the herd on BLM land.

Ann Erickson asked if BLM management could help since the County will no longer clean out the grates. Ron Oliver pointed out that it was another thing on a growing list that the County wouldn’t take care of even though the taxes keep going up.

Sally Peterson asked if there is enough room on the sides of the cattle grate for horseback riders to get through. Bill said even though the sides had been re-enforced there was enough room for riders to get through the side of the gate.

Ken Thomas, our new Fire Board Chairman, spoke about the fire department and the issues about inclusion and non-inclusion of property owners in the Guffey fire district. He advised all property owners to find out their status. Owners can call the fireboard or Park County Assessor’s Office to check.

Ken spoke about fire abatement on individual properties. Station 1 in Guffey has a question sheet for owners to fill out to do a self- assessment of safety or the fire department will do an assessment at owner’s request.

Ken said the fire department was still working with the County to set a date for a slash burn for property owners in Pike Trails. Several people have volunteered to help with that project. The date for the burn will be posted as soon as possible. Ken said to call Acting Chief Mandel for any questions. Ann Erickson said that she had been so impressed at the quick response to a 911 call she had made after a relative had fallen at her home. She complimented Joy and Ron Oliver’s prompt response. Ken was pleased to hear the positive comment and stated the board’s mission was to support the fire departments efforts to keep our community safe. Ken received a round of applause for his informative talk.

Bill spoke about the grading of the roads and the need for volunteers to learn how to operate the grader. Dave Tilton has stated his interest in learning and his willingness to keep the grader during the months that Bernie is away.

Bernie said that he and Bill had inspected all the Pike Trail roads and gravel had already been put in the areas needed. He asked that he or Bill be called if there was an issue about the roads. Ric said that there are piles of gravel at Stream and Antelope for the homeowners can help themselves to fill in small potholes so they don’t become large potholes.

Bill read the change to Article 7 in the bylaws. Thank you, Ric Turley, for making the changes to clarify the wording.

Bill stated the Ric Turley was stepping away from the job of 2nd Vice President due to an increased workload. Thank you, Ric, for a job well done.
Bill then asked for a volunteer to step in until the elections in 2015. Bob Erickson volunteered to stand in for Ric. All in attendance agreed, thanks Bob for being the new 2d vice president.

Ron Oliver spoke about the culvert on Red Road and how dangerous it had become and how difficult to maneuver. Bernie went into detail about the lousy job the phone company had done in laying the landlines. Even though the phone company will come out to stake the lines they don’t know how deep or how far from side to side. So the difficulty for the grader operator is how deep and far to dredge.

Bernie and Ron spoke about getting GPS updated for Pike Trails. Ric stated e-mail to Google is the way to go. Bill said that he and other members of the community had tried to get UPS to update their maps without success.

Bill asked if there were any comments or questions.
Ron asked when was the work party going to be scheduled. After some discussion among the board members the date was set for September 13th at 10:00 am Fire station #3.

Ann Erickson motioned to adjourn followed by a second from Doug Mayotte.

Thanks to
Bernie Mann for mowing around Station #3 before the meeting

Jim Ivy for moving the fire trucks out of the station
Ric Turley and Don Rockstead for cleaning the Station
Ric Turley arrangements for the food from the Bull Moose
Mary Curtis for delivering the great food from the Bull Moose.
For all those who helped set up and break down the table and chairs.

We are pleased with our first annual picnic and to those who participated. We are looking forward to our 2nd annual PTRIA picnic in 2015.

Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Harper, Secretary


Pike Trails Magic

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