2019 Annual Meeting Minutes

                              August 31, 2019

The meeting was called to order by President Bernie Mann at 11:15AM


President – Bernie Mann

1st Vice President – Mike Bandera

2nd Vice President – Jay Mulholland

Treasurer – Jon Klima

Acting Secretary – Ann Erickson

There were 50 people in attendance representing 43 properties. Bernie said that the minutes for the last meeting and the Treasurer’s report were posted on the wall and on the Pike Trails website. Jon Klima advised everyone to go to “ and NOT do a Google search to get the up-to-date website.


Cows – Bernie said that there have been no problems with cattle straying onto Pike Trails so far this year.  There are still fences that are down, especially on the NW perimeter of the ranch.  This area is rugged and would require hiring help to do the repairs which would b e expensive. Results from the PTRIA survey are as follows: “To what extent do you mind cattle occasionally coming onto your property or to our common areas?”

A – No Problem – 19

B – Don’t like it, but I can tolerate it – 30

C – Keep them out at all costs! – 5

Based on these results, Doug Mayotte made a motion to not spend PTRIA funds unless there was a major problem which would then be brought to the Board to decide appropriate action. Fred Wilson seconded; motion carried.


BUDGET– Treasurer Jon Klima said that the budget for last year and this year was posted on the wall. As of 8/28/2019, there is $16,521.38 in our checking account. Total Dues received this fiscal year as of 8/28/2019 (80 property owners) is $12,020.00   Details are also available on Jon also noted that our PTRIA insurance company decide to stop writing insurance in our area.  Jay Mulholland negotiated a new policy with State Farm for $1350/yr for Liability covering the Board, PTRIA owned properties, and our road grader on PTRIA owned land only!

PONDS – Jon also reported that the ponds have been stocked with fish, and chemicals added, which made the water much cleaner.  We still need to drag the pond weeds before winter. Peggy Larson made a motion to accept the budget, Elaine Rocksted seconded, motion carried.

ROADS – We finally got some good moisture this Spring which relieved our drought status, but combined with early freezing/thawing/drifting snow damaged some of our roads, specifically Badger, Antelope, and Deer to CR88, requiring immediate attention. Paul King was contacted to repair several sections of these roads, which he immediately did. Then, throughout June and July, we had 49 loads of gravel (3/4 roadbase) spread at a cost of $12,620.

THISTLES – There has been some concern that some of the thistles along our roads are Canada Thistles, which are a noxious weed that must be eradicated before it overtakes the native landscape.  Bernie sent pictures of our thistles to Marisa Neusil, the district manager of the Teller-Park Conservation District. She said that the Pike Trails thistles are a harmless variety called Platte (or Prairie) Thistles that are easily confused with Canada Thistles.  She also sent several brochures which Bernie passed around. Additional information is available by calling Marisa Neusil at (719) 472-3671.

HUNTING – Bernie explained that no hunting is allowed on any PTRIA owned property.  Colorado law allows you to hunt on your own property with the proper license.  BUT PLEASE DON’T!!!! Bullets can travel up to a mile! Many homes and domestic animals are in close proximity here on the ranch, plus deer feel protected and are unafraid of us humans.  There are many nearby public lands available to hunt. In addition, if a wounded animal travels onto an adjacent property, it is illegal to pursue it without that landowner’s permission. Be careful when target practicing on your own property.  Exploding targets, tracer rounds and incendiary rounds are prohibited in Park County.

SNOW FENCES – Snow fences, properly placed, are essential in keeping Pike Trails roads manageable in the winter. Snow fence needs to be placed 75 to 100 feet from the road to be effective. Bernie suggested that a snow fence “committee” be formed to assess and recommend our needs. Bill Jones, George Purnell, Mike Bandera and Tracy Bandera volunteered to serve on this committee.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS – The following residents were elected to serve 2-year terms on the Pike Trails Board of Directors:

President – Jay Mulholland

1st Vice President – Mike Bandera

2nd Vice President – Terry Johnson

Secretary – Cindy Chew

Treasurer – Jon Klima

WORK DAY – the following residents volunteered to participate for a work day scheduled for Friday, Sept. 13th, and if needed, Saturday, Sept. 14th.:  Mike Bandera, Bob Erickson, Bruce & Vonnie Mohr, Tom Ryan, George Purnell, Bobby Lopez, Eddie & Loretta Pachecko, Jackie Magee, Peg Larson, Bernie Mann.  We hope to be able to dig out at least 2 culverts, repair snow fences, and pick up trash.

TAXES – Jon Klima and Bernie Mann went to Great Western Bank to negotiate a new CD last September (the previous one had expired). The bank demanded a new “EIN” for Pike Trails which must be obtained from the IRS. In the process of obtaining this new EIN, the IRS said that PTRIA had not filed Income Taxes for the past 19 years! (We didn’t think we had to file because we are non-profit}. The IRS demanded that we file Federal (hence State) Income Taxes for the past 19 years! After Bernie & Jon got over the shock, they decided to hire a CPA in Canon City to help get us out of this mess! The CPA filled out the required Federal & State forms for the past FIVE years showing that no taxes were due along with a letter to the IRS asking if these would satisfy their requirements.  Several responses ensued, one of which was to ask for a SIXTH year of forms which Jon & Bernie prepared.  We have not been informed of a disposition to the CPA’s request as of this date.  Jon filed current year forms in June, showing we owe nothing.

MAIL BOXES – Mike Brandt said that the Post Office has requested that our mail boxes be reorganized by address (street, house number). Mike volunteered to do this task which would include repairing and replacing the framework holding the boxes. We cannot do this without permission from every box owner.  Mike asked all box owners at the meeting to sign a form approving the work.  Mike will contact box owners who were not present.  Terry Johnson made a motion that PTRIA will pay the expenses involved with reorganizing the mail boxes.  Cindy Chew seconded; motion carried.

Jon Klima presented Bernie with a plaque of appreciation from PTRIA for his many years of service as PTRIA President.

Next year’s PTRIA Annual Meeting will be on Saturday, August 29th, 2020.

Lee Boswell made a motion to adjourn, Terry Johnson seconded, motion carried.

Meeting adjourned….chow time!!!

Respectfully submitted by Ann Erickson, acting Secretary  Transcribed 10/3/2019 by Bernie Mann

Pike Trails Magic

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