
Weather in the Pike Trails area can vary significantly from the north to the south end of the ranch. Certainly, temperatures on still clear winter nights, can vary by 20 ºF or more. The purpose of this page is provide a place for those interested in the Pike Trails weather to come and see how we are faring.

What’s our weather been like?

Daily highs and lows for the past 7 days.

April 28 morning low 21 °F, high 52 °F, max wind gust 21 mph
April 27 low 27 °F, high 46 °F, max wind gust 12 mph, 4" snow
April 26 low 28 °F, high 61 °F, max wind gust 33 mph
April 25 low 29 °F, high 66 °F, max wind gust 26 mph
April 24 low 23 °F, high 71 °F, max wind gust 19 mph
April 23 low 32 °F, high 63 °F, max wind gust 18 mph
April 22 low 23 °F, high 69 °F, max wind gust 28 mph

TODAY, SUN 04/28
40% Precip. / 0.03 in
Partly cloudy skies this morning will give way to occasional showers during the afternoon. High 48 °F. Winds WNW at 10 to 15 mph.

24% Precip. / 0
Partly cloudy skies. Low 32 °F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph.

4% Precip. / 0.00 in
Generally sunny despite a few afternoon clouds. High 56 °F. Winds SW at 10 to 20 mph.

Are you wondering how this year’s temperatures and moisture are comparing to previous years? Temperatures can easily be compared by using a measure called degree-days. This is a unit used by designers of heating and cooling systems. Each heating day’s degree-day value is found by averaging the daily high and low and subtracting the result from a fixed number, usually 65. For example, if the high temperature for the day was 58 ºF and the low was 30 ºF, the average would be 44. This subtracted from 65 would give 21 degree-days. The degree-days for the day would be 21 degree-days. The greater the degree-day value, the colder the day is. Adding the degree-days for the entire month is a way to then compare one month to another.

Below, is shown the monthly heating degree-day, rain, and snow totals for 2023 and 2024 to date and the averages for the past 20 years. Using the degree-day numbers, one can easily compare the “coldness” of one month to last year and the average from the past 20 years. The numbers below apply to the SE corner of the ranch.

Monthly Degree-Day Values From 2004 to Present
MonthAverage of past 20 yearsLast year, 2023This year, 2024

The table below shows the monthly snow and rain amounts for the SE corner of the ranch from 2004 through 2023.

Monthly Precipitation Values from 2004 to the Present
MonthAverage Snow for the
Past 20 Years
Average Rain for the
Past 20 Years
Last year, 2023, Snow/RainThis year, 2024, Snow/Rain
Jan.8.558"0.010"6.25" S/0.0" R3.25" S/0.0" R
Feb.7.618"0.000"13" S/0.0" R14.5" S/0.0" R
March8.831"0.008"6" S/0.0" R38.0" S/0.0" R
April11.875"0.147"12.75" S/0.0" R
May5.6871.002"5.75" S/2.83" R
June0"0.772"0" S/2.97" R
July0"2.854"0" S/0.41" R
Aug.0"2.319"0" S/1.58" R
Sept.0.624"2.036"0" S/1.33" R
Oct.3.044"0.31"2.0" S/0.24" R
Nov.5.188"0.052"8.5" S/0.0" R
Dec.7.512"0.005"8.75" S/0.0" R
58.212" yearly snow average9.346" yearly rain average63.0" Snow/9.36" Rain for 202355.75" Snow/0.00" Rain for 2024. Total snow for '23-'24 snow season is 75.0"

Below is a table from The Intellicast website,, showing, among other interesting Guffey weather facts, the record highs and lows for each month.

Record high and low temps for Guffey area as per the Weather Channel.
MonthAvg. HighAvg. LowMeanAvg. Precip.Record HighRecord Low
Jan.31ºF-2ºF15ºF0.32"61ºF (1997)-50ºF (1962)
Feb.36ºF2ºF19ºF0.29"60ºF (1986)-42ºF (1989)
March42ºF14ºF28ºF0.81"68ºF (1997)-30ºF (1965)
April49ºF22ºF36ºF0.95"73ºF (1992)-14ºF (1973)
May59ºF32ºF46ºF1.4"83ºF (2003)10ºF (1982)
June70ºF40ºF55ºF1.32"87ºF (1990)24ºF (1975)
July75ºF46ºF61ºF2.29"88ºF (2005)32ºF (1992)
Aug.73ºF45ºF59ºF2.50"87ºF (2000)30ºF (1992)
Sept.67ºF37ºF52ºF1.08"83ºF (1978)8ºF (1965)
Oct.57ºF26ºF41ºF0.74"79ºF (1980)-2ºF (1979)
Nov.42ºF14ºF28ºF0.49"65ºF (1999)-33ºF (1972)
Dec.32ºF2ºF17ºF0.39"58ºF (1995)-40ºF (1978)

Pike Trails Magic

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04-07-2024 PTRIA BOD AGENDA Meeting Agenda

01-07-2024 PTRIA BOD Meeting Minutes

9-02-2023 PTRIA Annual  Meeting Minutes

8-30-2023 PTRIA BOD Meeting Minutes

8-14-2023 PTRIA BOD meeting minutes

8-7-2023 PTRIA BOD meeting minutes

6-9-2023, 2023 Newsletter was added

2-5-2023 PTRIA BOD meeting minutes

9-25-2022, New Ponds content added

9-10-2022, PTRIA Annual Meeting Minutes

5-12-2022, 2022 Newsletter was added

4-30-2022, PTRIA BOD meeting minutes

The Weather page is updated daily.